Raw Paws Pet Food Review


A Legacy Carved in Health and Happiness

In the realm of pet nutrition, a notable pioneer has been satisfying furry appetites for years. Enter Raw Paws Pet Food – a company steeped in history, experience, and an unwavering commitment to providing our four-legged companions with nourishing meals.

With roots tracing back to 2014, this family-owned establishment first emerged from a fervent desire to revolutionize pet food using nature’s blueprint. Raw Paws Pet Food was built to offer pets a more natural and wholesome diet, free from artificial additives and mysterious fillers that have plagued commercial pet foods for far too long.

What started as a small-scale operation quickly gained momentum due to the growing awareness among pet owners about the benefits of raw feeding. Today, Raw Paws Pet Food stands tall as an industry leader, catering to countless households seeking optimal health for their beloved pets.

A Mission Fueled by Love and Nutritional Brilliance

Raw Paws Pet Food’s mission transcends mere profit margins; it is deeply rooted in a genuine love for animals and an unwavering dedication to their well-being. The team behind this revolutionary brand believes that every pet deserves access to nutrient-dense meals that mirror what nature intended. Their core values embrace transparency, quality sourcing, and uncompromising ethics when crafting each product.

With meticulous attention to detail, Raw Paws Pet Food meticulously selects human-grade ingredients sourced from trusted farmers who share their commitment to quality. By adhering strictly to USDA-certified standards throughout their production process, they ensure that every batch is crafted with utmost care and precision – leaving no room for compromise regarding your pet’s health.

Unlocking the Benefits of Raw Nutrition

So, why should you consider making the switch to raw pet food? The answer lies in its many benefits to your furry friend’s life. By embracing a natural, ancestral diet, you give your pet essential nutrients for optimal health.

One of the critical advantages of raw feeding is its positive impact on digestion. Raw food is rich in natural enzymes and beneficial bacteria that aid in breaking down food efficiently, ensuring maximum nutrient absorption.

It can lead to reduced instances of gastrointestinal issues such as bloating or diarrhea. Moreover, raw nutrition has been known to alleviate common skin conditions and allergies.

By eliminating artificially processed ingredients and potential allergens found in commercial pet foods, many pets experience relief from itching, redness, and inflammation. By opting for Raw Paws Pet Food products, you’re embarking on a journey towards better overall health for your cherished companion – one that taps into the primal instincts ingrained deep within their DNA.

Detailed Breakdown of Raw Paws Pet Food Offerings

Exploring the Frozen and Freeze-Dried Delights

Raw Paws Pet Food has an impressive array of options to satisfy even the most discerning palates. Their product range includes frozen and freeze-dried options designed to retain maximum nutrition for our furry friends. Frozen offerings come in convenient packaging and are thawed before serving, while freeze-dried alternatives provide a lightweight, shelf-stable solution.

The frozen line encompasses various categories: complete meals, meaty bones, organs, and ground meats. Each meal is carefully formulated to ensure a balanced nutritional profile for dogs and cats.

Their diverse protein sources cater to various dietary preferences or restrictions, from chicken hearts to beef tripe and lamb shanks to turkey necks. Meanwhile, their freeze-dried selection includes treats like chicken livers or beef lung bites that can be used as training rewards or added as crunchy toppings on meals.

Nutritional Composition That Speaks Volumes

Raw Paws Pet Food takes great pride in crafting its raw pet food with premium-quality ingredients that prioritize animal well-being. Each product line boasts meticulous attention to detail regarding nutritional composition. In their complete meals range, for example, you’ll find thoughtfully sourced proteins like cage-free chicken or grass-fed beef and organic fruits and vegetables that provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Raw Paws pet food ensures a well-rounded diet without unnecessary additives or fillers. Additionally, they offer precise information regarding ingredient percentages so that customers can make informed decisions based on their pets’ specific dietary needs.

A Symphony of Flavors: Variety at its Finest

Just like humans crave variety in their diets, pets also benefit from having diverse flavor options. Raw Paws Pet Food understands this and offers impressive flavors to keep your pets excited about mealtime. From traditional options like chicken and beef to more exotic choices such as venison or rabbit, they have a palate-pleasing range that will leave tails wagging or purrs resonating.

By providing such an extensive selection, Raw Paws ensures that pets with specific dietary requirements, sensitivities, or allergies can still enjoy the benefits of a raw diet without compromising taste. Whether your pet prefers poultry, red meat, fish, or game meats, this company has covered you.

From Farm to Bowl: Sourcing and Quality Control

Raw Paws Pet Food understands the significance of sourcing ingredients from reliable and ethical sources. They have established strong partnerships with trusted farmers and suppliers who share their commitment to quality. Their emphasis on using human-grade ingredients is a testament to their dedication to providing pets with the highest level of nutrition possible.

By incorporating USDA-certified ingredients into their recipes, Raw Paws Pet Food guarantees that every bite your pet takes is made from top-quality produce for human consumption. Raw Paws adheres strictly to industry standards to ensure consistent quality control throughout their production process.

Regular inspections are conducted at every stage – from sourcing ingredients through packaging – guaranteeing that only the best products make their way into your pet’s bowl. With Raw Paws Pet Food’s unwavering commitment to product range diversity and stringent quality assurance measures in place, you can rest assured knowing that your beloved companion is receiving meals crafted with utmost care and integrity.

Health Benefits for Pets

Improved Digestion with Natural Enzymes

Pet food digestion is pivotal to your furry friend’s overall well-being. Raw paws pet food offers many health advantages, starting with enhanced digestion. Unlike processed pet food, which often lacks the crucial natural enzymes necessary for proper digestion, raw food is packed with them.

These enzymes aid in breaking down the nutrients present in the raw diet more efficiently, allowing pets to extract maximum nutrition from their meals. Additionally, raw paws pet food contains high levels of moisture, which can further support healthy digestion.

Appropriate hydration is vital for pets to maintain optimal digestive function and prevent constipation or bloating. By opting for a raw diet, you’re providing your beloved companion with a wholesome meal that promotes robust digestion and absorption of essential nutrients – leading to improved overall health.

Enhanced Skin Conditions, Allergies, and Coat Quality

Pets suffering from skin conditions or allergies require special attention regarding their diet. Raw paws pet food is thoughtfully crafted to address these issues and promote healthier skin and coat quality.

By eliminating artificial additives and fillers commonly found in processed pet foods, raw diets can alleviate skin irritations caused by allergens or sensitivities. The natural ingredients present in raw paws pet food are rich in essential fatty acids like Omega-3s and Omega-6s that nourish your pets’ skin from within.

As a result, you may notice a significant reduction in pesky symptoms such as itching, redness, geographical area, or dryness. Moreover, the nutrient-dense nature of raw diets helps promote a lustrous coat that shines vibrantly with health.

Potential Reduction in Common Health Issues

Apart from improved digestion and healthier skin and coats, raw paws pet food may also contribute to reducing common health issues pets face. For instance, obesity, dental problems, and gastrointestinal disorders are prevalent concerns that can impact your pet’s quality of life.

However, you can mitigate these health risks by feeding them a balanced, raw diet. Raw food diets typically consist of lean proteins and limited carbohydrates, making them an ideal choice for weight management.

The absence of excessive fillers helps pets maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of obesity-related issues such as joint pain or diabetes. Furthermore, chewing on raw meaty bones in the diet promotes improved dental hygiene by naturally cleaning teeth and gums – preventing plaque buildup or dental diseases.

The easily digestible qualities of raw food minimize the likelihood of gastrointestinal distress like constipation or diarrhea. Choosing raw paws pet food for your furry companion offers many health benefits that positively impact their well-being.

From enhanced digestion thanks to natural enzymes to improved skin conditions, allergies, coat quality – and even potential reductions in common ailments like obesity and dental problems – your pet will thrive on this nutrient-packed diet. By opting for raw feeding, you’re making a conscious choice to provide your beloved pet with optimal nutrition that supports their vitality and longevity.

Transitioning to a Raw Diet

Step-by-step guide on transitioning pets from processed food to raw diet

Transitioning your beloved furry friend to a raw diet can be an exciting and rewarding journey, but it’s essential to approach it with patience and care. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you make a smooth transition:

Introduce Small Amounts:

Add small portions of raw food to your pet’s regular diet. It allows their digestive system to adjust gradually.

Begin with just a teaspoon or two of raw food mixed in with their usual meal.

Increase the Ratio

As your pet starts getting accustomed to the new addition, gradually increase the amount of raw food and decrease the proportion of processed food over time.

This slow transition prevents any abrupt dietary changes that may cause digestive issues.

Monitor Their Response

Pay close attention to how your pet reacts during each stage of the transition process.

Look for signs of discomfort or digestive upset, such as loose stools or vomiting. If these symptoms persist, consult your veterinarian for guidance.

Exploration of different methods

When transitioning pets to a raw diet, there are various methods you can explore based on what works best for both you and your furry companion:

Gradual Transition

This method involves gradually replacing processed food with raw food over several days or weeks, allowing your pet’s system ample time to adapt at its own pace. It is ideal for pets with sensitive stomachs or those who are more resistant to change.


Another approach is intermittent fasting, where you skip one or two meals before introducing the first raw meal.

This short period without food helps reset their digestive system and stimulates their appetite for the new diet.

Trial Meals

Offering small trial raw food meals before committing to a complete transition can also be beneficial.

It allows you to gauge your pet’s interest and acceptance of the new diet. If they show enthusiasm and no digestive issues, it reinforces your confidence in proceeding with the complete switch.

Tips for managing potential digestive issues during the transition period

During the transition phase, it’s not uncommon for pets to experience mild digestive issues such as loose stools or an upset stomach. Here are some helpful tips to manage these challenges:

Go Slow

If you notice any digestive upset, slow down the transition process.

Give your pet more time at each stage before progressing further. This adjustment period allows their system to adapt comfortably.

Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes:

Supplementing your pet’s diet with probiotics and digestive enzymes can provide additional support during this transitional phase. These supplements aid digestion and promote a healthy gut environment.

 Hydration is Key:

Ensure that your pet stays well-hydrated throughout the transition process by always providing fresh water. Increased water intake helps maintain healthy digestion and prevents constipation.

By following these steps and adapting them according to your pet’s needs, you can help ease their transition to a raw diet while minimizing any potential digestive issues that may arise along the way. Remember, every animal is unique, so be observant and patient, and consult with a veterinarian if needed for personalized guidance during this dietary switch.

Raw Feeding Safety Measures

Guidelines for safe handling and storage of raw pet food

When it comes to raw feeding, ensuring your pet’s and yourself’s safety is paramount. Handling and storing raw pet food properly is essential to prevent bacterial contamination and maintain the freshness of the ingredients. Firstly, always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling raw pet food.

This simple yet crucial step helps minimize the risk of cross-contamination. Additionally, designate separate cutting boards, utensils, and storage containers specifically for raw pet food to avoid any potential contamination with human food.

Importance of proper hygiene practices when preparing meals

Maintaining excellent hygiene during meal preparation is vital to guarantee the health and well-being of your furry friend. Cleanliness starts with cleaning all surfaces, utensils, and equipment used to prepare raw pet meals with hot, soapy water or a dishwasher. Additionally, ensure that surfaces that come into contact with raw meat are disinfected regularly to eliminate harmful bacteria.

Storage recommendations to avoid bacterial growth

Properly storing raw pet food is significant in preventing bacterial growth and preserving its nutritional value. Store frozen or freeze-dried products at temperatures below 0°F (-18°C) to maintain freshness.

For defrosted portions awaiting consumption, refrigerate them at temperatures between 32°F (0°C) and 40°F (4°C). It’s crucial not to leave defrosted or partially eaten portions at room temperature for extended periods, increasing the risk of bacterial growth.

Addressing concerns about potential risks associated with raw feeding

Pet owners naturally have concerns about potential risks associated with feeding their pets a raw diet. One prominent concern is bacterial contamination due to uncooked meat consumption. However, it’s important to note that raw pet food can be just as safe as any other type of pet food when handled and stored correctly.

The acidity in a dog or cat’s digestive system is naturally designed to handle certain bacteria that may be present in raw meat. Furthermore, reputable raw pet food brands such as Raw Paws Pet Food prioritize sourcing human-grade, USDA-certified ingredients and follow strict quality control measures to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination.


By following proper handling and storage guidelines for raw pet food, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your beloved companion. While concerns about bacterial contamination may arise, understanding that raw feeding can be done safely with conscientious practices provides peace of mind.

Embracing a raw diet for your furry friend supports their natural needs and promotes overall health and vitality. With Raw Paws Pet Food’s commitment to quality and safety, you can confidently provide your pet with the nutritious goodness they deserve while embarking on a journey towards optimal health together.